This antenna was constructed using only solar power.
Above in the plywood battery box is a small battery
and on the side of the box is a 400 watt inverter which
was used to power a drill and sander during the
construction of this antenna.

The loading coil is about 12 inches long and 5 inches
in diameter. It is wound on a nylon form which which
has a spiral groove along the length to assure even
spacing of the silver-plated wire used for the coil.
The coil is tapped every two turns.
This coil has quite a story behind it. Originally it was
constructed by my German ham friend, Wolfgang, DK5IQ.
He used this loading coil for a mobile antenna for a while.
He soon found the weight of this coil was a detriment so
he changed his mobile HF antenna and gave me this coil.
Since then I have used the coil in Germany for an 80/40 meter
vertical and now in Tampa for another vertical.

Here is the antenna before it went vertical.

The vertical shortly after it was raised in January 2004.

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